Rom Com Reads with Christina Lauren
We’re starting an all-new blog series: Rom Com Reads! As your go-to source for all things rom com, we’re showcasing best-selling authors and their up-and-coming books. For the first edition of Rom Com Reads, we brought in an expert (and self-proclaimed bibliophile). Courtney Marzilli has her finger on the pulse, working closely with publicists to share amazing, must-read books. Up first, the best-selling romance writing duo Christina Lauren!
Courtney is a bibliophile and beauty junkie. Combining her love of books and beauty she created Bliss, Beauty, and Books where she shares must-have beauty products, everyday beauty tips along with straight-forward reviews, and interviews with best-selling authors.
Photo by Alyssa Michelle
The author Christina Lauren is actually composed of two besties, Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billing and together they make up the best-selling romance writing duo! With multiple best-selling romance titles they are gearing up for their fall release, Twice in a Blue Moon which tells the story about first love, heartbreak and the chance opportunity that your long lost first love comes back around years later. They are rom com aficionados who know a thing or two about a fabulous leading man (think Chris Evans) and paying homage to the queen of all things rom com, Nora Ephron.
What drew you to the romance genre?
The promise of a happily ever after and let's be real – we like the sexy bits a lot.
If your book was to be adapted onto the big screen, name one actor you would love to cast?
We have no idea. Is that weird? Like, we’d love to meet Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth just to have a Chris Sandwich, so maybe we can go with that.
Where do you draw writing inspiration from?
Everywhere! We’ll see something on the street—a couple being cute, a couple fighting, a woman alone on the street talking into her phone and marching along with purpose—and think, what is their story?
Match a song with your current/upcoming book release.
The Head & The Heart – All We Ever Knew for Twice in a Blue Moon
If you were starring in a rom com, where would it take place?
San Diego
Name one book, writer or movie that influenced you.
Nora Ephron
Current #TBR (to be read) pile?
Christina: Not a romance but currently reading Watching You by Lisa Jewell
Lauren: I’m mostly reading upcoming releases now, so I’m deep into Shaun David Hutchinson’s The State of Us (out in 2020) and I love it.
Round-Robin Rom Com Favorites
Favorite film?
Lauren: The Proposal or When Harry Met Sally
Christina: I will watch Fools Rush In whenever it comes on, Accidental Baby is my crack. The Proposal because I love it when people hate each other. Tangled, I don’t care what anyone says, it’s the ultimate rom com, and Romancing the Stone because I wanted to be Joan Wilder.
Favorite leading lady?
Christina: I don’t really have one but I’ll say, Sandra Bullock.
Lauren: Emilia Clarke or Saorise Ronan
Favorite on-screen couple (TV or movies)?
Christina: Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves in Speed. Their chemistry kills me.
Lauren: I love every movie with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, so I am clearly stuck in 1985-2000. But these days I’m excited to see the chemistry between Saorise Ronan and Timothee Chalamet in Little Women.
Favorite romance book?
Lauren: Impossible to pick a favorite of all time because I love so many books. But the five I’m currently recommending to everyone: Well Met (Jen DeLuca), 99% Mine (Sally Thorne), The Wallflower Wager (Tessa Dare), Haven (Rebekah Weatherspoon), The Right Swipe (Alisha Rai).
Christina: Two books that make me feel all the reasons I write: The Sky is Everywhere and Anna and the French Kiss.
Favorite fellow romance writer?
Christina: I admire Nora Roberts for a lot of reasons, but writing in multiple genres and crushing it in everyone is something most writers can only dream about.
Lauren: Also impossible but Alisha Rai, Kresley Cole, Sally Thorne, Tiffany Reisz, Sarah Maclean, Tessa Dare, Rebekah Weatherspoon, and Sonali Dev are auto-buys for me, always.
Favorite line/quote from a rom com?
Lauren: From When Harry Met Sally: To Harry and Sally: “If Marie or I had found either of them remotely attractive we would not be here today.”– Jess (Bruno Kirby). Or from The Proposal: Margaret: What am I allergic to? Andrew: Pine nuts, and the full spectrum of human emotion.
Christina: Not a line from a rom com, but about them. In an article in the NYT, Meg Ryan talks about Nora Ephron. “Her observation about romantic comedies is that they were commenting on their time in an intelligent way, but with the intention to delight.” I remember sending that line to Lo months ago and thinking yes, THIS. Lo has said social change happens in romance first, and I totally agree.